Where Science, Entrepreneurship, And Technology Unites

We are reinventing education to empower innovators to shape the rapidly changing world. We believe that our students will drive global positive changes and create impactful products for the greater good through science, entrepreneurship, and technology.
And we, together with the brightest minds of our professors and mentors, will support them on their path to success

Let's get acquainted

Our mission is to empower innovators to shape the changing world.
Founded in Ukraine
Offering transformative approaches in education
Fostering entrepreneurship development
Bringing together the brightest minds in tech and science

Proud to be partners

We are immensely proud that in the journey of creating SET University, we have garnered support from powerful governmental institutions, international charitable foundations, and globally renowned companies.
Gain knowledge from those who have achieved success themselves. Our faculty consists of top experts from around the world.
Meet Our Professors

Building international connections

We actively participate as speakers and co-organizers in major tech events worldwide, such as WebSummit, LEAP, Viva Tech, Select USA, TechCrunch Disrupt, and more.
We engage international companies, venture funds, and non-profit organizations to create joint boot camps, accelerators, and educational programs.
We invite experts from well-known international companies like Uber, Tesla, Salesforce, and others to teach in SET University
We grant our students and entrepreneurial program participants access to the global technology network.
Let's create opportunities together

Join our mission

We believe in the power of cooperation and that together we can create more meaningful opportunities and good changes in the world.

For partnership proposals, please email us at:
Event organization partners
Universities and educational organizations
Donors and grants for educational projects

Our Approaches

Reinventing and reshaping education
Embracing lifelong learning to always have up-to-date knowledge and keep pace with the rapidly changing world
Offering a hybrid format for the most effective learning and combining theory with practice
Utilizing cutting-edge educational technologies: microlearning, AI-integrated automated learning platforms, interactive content, case-based approaches, and peer-to-peer learning formats
Teaching through project-based learning with real-world cases to teach how to solve current and real problems

Educating future unicorn founders

Entrepreneurship track in technical programs

We believe that the fusion of technology and entrepreneurship will foster the creation of new successful IT businesses and drive innovation worldwide. That's why each technical program in SET University includes a dedicated set of modules focused on leadership and project management.

Startup instead of a traditional diploma thesis

Our students have the option to either launch their own startup in the university's accelerator or develop a practical IT solution for an actual company instead of writing a traditional master's thesis

Free bootcamps for startups

We constantly create new opportunities to support entrepreneurship, including free bootcamps. As part of the programs, participants receive mentoring from global experts, refine their products and business models, and have the opportunity to pitch their startups and receive feedback.

Media about us

"Ukraine’s university born out of war: ‘education is our future’

Ms Volnytska’s ultimate ambition, she said, was “to build an innovative hub in Ukraine, to make it a center of innovation”. She has confidence in SET’s success. “There are innovations by choice, and there are innovations by necessity – and now we don’t have any choice.” – Times Higher Education
"Starting a new university is no small undertaking. Starting one during a war — that compounds the challenges.
 Yet that’s the story of SET University, a Ukrainian technological institution that was founded just a couple of months before Russian forces attacked the country, in February 2022." – The Chronicle of Higher Education writes
"One of the most important institutions when it comes to the country’s tech education is the recently established SET University.  The war didn’t stop them; it just showed even more why what they are doing is important" – IT Logos writes
"We should fully rely on digitalization." Iryna Volnytska for the article How Ukrainian tech companies are defying the war for the Frankfurter Allgemeine
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