Where Science, Entrepreneurship, and Technology Unite

No-Code AI for Business

Complex program dedicated to analyzing and extracting insights from the data using No-Code and AI tools

No-Code AI for Business

Program Start: 07.03
Duration: 4 weeks
Application deadline: 07.03
Price: 14 500₴/program

Program Overview:

It’s okay when people make mistakes. It is not okay when these mistakes are damaging the business. To prevent errors and losses, there are No-Code AI tools. And to learn how to work with them, our program exists.

During the training, you will master No-Code AI tools that will help you get more insights from data without involving data scientists or analysts. Afterward, you will be able to build correct revenue forecasts, plan expenses, and analyze customer behavior.

Learning outcomes:

Learn how to analyze customer behavior, cluster them, and suggest relevant offers ( upsell, cross-sell, and more)
Learn how to analyze data and build predictive models
Master No-Code tools used to work with data
Understand your business data and learn how to use it effectively
Understand how to integrate AI tools into business operations without violating privacy

Requirements for participants

English language level B2+
Basic skills in Excel
Basic data analytics experience (will be a plus)

Educational Modules:

Workshop 1. AI 101

Learn the basic principles of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Understand how to formulate a correct request for AI and organize the business intelligence process (CRISP/DM). Run your first algorithm.

Practical session:
  • Predicting the value of a house

Workshop 2. Step into data with regressions

Explore a set of machine learning algorithms. Learn how to forecast costs, trends, and fraud probability using regressions and ML.

Practical session:
  • Predicting medical expenses using regressions

Workshop 3: Get better data faster

Understand how the type and structure of data in a dataset affect the quality of results. Learn how to apply GenAi Python to expand your data processing capabilities.

Practical session:
  • Automation of data analysis

Workshop 4. Predict outcomes

Explore the classification of abstract classes and classification models needed to determine the influence of factors and make forecasts. Figure out the kind of data you need to use to train a mathematical model for more precise results.

Practical session:
  • Predicting fraud in insurance claims

Workshop 5: Cluster your data and predict trends

Understand the basic principles of clustering. Learn how to visualize groups and clusters using clustering and forecast trends using time series.

Practical session:
  • 1. Clustering customers by credit card types for further marketing activities
  • 2. Sales forecasting - income for the coming months

Workshop 6: Leadership and Ethics in AI

Learn how to lead projects involving AI technologies. Explore the main ethical principles and anti-cases of working with AI.

Practical session:
  • Analyzing anti-cases of Amazon, the Northpointe, and Watson.


Gauthier Vasseur

Data analytics, AI, and digital transformation expert. Executive Director at Berkeley Fisher Center; CEO and Founder – Data Wise Academy; Founder and Co-President – Alliance for Inclusive AI.


His leadership experience includes both large tech-enterprises (Google, Oracle, Hyperion) and startups, Series A, and Pre-IPO companies (Semarchy, Trufa, TriNet).


Nowadays, Gauthier teaches at Berkeley and Stanford and is also adjunct lecturer at SET University, Kyiv.


Gauthier is also the author of the book “Devenez un Data Pionnier,” a must-read book for those who learn analytics.


Work on real cases from various industries (construction, e-com, medicine, insurance)

Cases for diverse challenges (fraud prevention, customer clustering, data auto-verification, predictive models)

Complex program with a focus on practice and handling real business cases

Adaptive online learning – can be combined with full-time work

Work in groups with constant feedback from the lecturer

Online workshops with homework analysis

For Whom?

Entrepreneurs who operate their business and have data to analyze

Managers who are responsible for the result and monetization of projects

Marketers, analysts, and other professionals who work with data and want to get more out of it

Product managers


Is coding skills required?

No. Coding skills are not required, but an understanding of how to build processes is necessary.

Will there be a course project within the course?

No, but there will be a lot of practical tasks with feedback.

Will I work with my own case?

No, you will work with open data and ready-made business cases. However, you can quickly adapt the approach to working with data to the needs of your business.

Does the university provide access to data tools?

Yes, we provide access to these tools. They are free for students and will remain with them after graduation.


Information and Cybersecurity Management

January 18
14 weeks 12 500₴/month (indicated with a discount) -20% for the first 10 places

Digital transformation of the business

March 28
16 weeks 9 250₴/month
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