Tech-Brunch “How to boost your LinkedIn”


Tech-Brunch “How to boost your LinkedIn”

Date: 3 / 8 / 23
Time: 11:00
Place: Discord (online)


ICF Certified Career Consultant Evgeniya Sklyarets will tell SET University Community how to improve your LinkedIn profile and what companies pay attention to. Evgeniya will also analyze the real LinkedIn profiles of the community members and suggest what to change in them.


Why do you need LinkedIn?
How to improve your LinkedIn profile?
What do recruiters pay attention to?
What should you do to make LinkedIn work for you?


Evgeniya Sklyarets

Evgeniya Sklyarets is a career coach and consultant with 13 years of experience in HR management in international corporations. For 4 years, she led a career management project for Eastern Europe. She has worked for Mondelēz International and AB InBev.

Want to learn how to get the most out of your LinkedIn profile? Sign up by the link!

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