Results for query:
online event


How to pass the master’s entrance exams

17 / 5 / 24, 16:00 Online
We invite you to an online meeting where we will provide detailed information about the registration process and preparation for the EIT/UMT. We will also offer useful tips for applying to graduate programs and answer your questions.

Launching WE.Brave bootcamp for female-led startups

6 / 2 / 24
SET University is launching a two-week free bootcamp for startups with women among their founders or 70% of their core team.

Launching a free educational program for women who want to start their own IT business

20 / 7 / 23
Together with SuperCharger Ventures, a leading ecosystem for the development of EdTech projects, we are launching "We.brave" pre-acceleration program. The program is designed for women who want to start their own IT business. Any Ukrainian woman with knowledge of English is eligible to participate, and experience in IT or a well-formed idea is not required. Applications are now open and will be accepted until August 13, and the program will start on August 20.

SET Open House 2024

20 / 5 / 24, 18:00 Free, registration is required
We will tell you about the SET University training programs that will be launched in 2024.

How to pass the master’s entrance exams

24 / 5 / 24, 16:00 Online
We invite you to an online meeting where we will provide detailed information about the registration process and preparation for the EIT/UMT. We will also offer useful tips for applying to graduate programs and answer your questions.

Launching a science bootcamp

15 / 2 / 24
Together with USF and Berkeley Haas Entrepreneurship, we are launching an acceleration program that will help to build science projects

Launching SET University Community first event

31 / 7 / 23
Разом зі сертифікованою кар’єрною консультанткою ICF розберемо, як покращити свій LInkedIn-профіль та на що звертають увагу рекрутери/-ки.

Tech-Brunch “How to boost your LinkedIn”

3 / 8 / 23, 11:00
Discord (online)
Online event in the SET University Community with career coach and consultant Evgeniya Sklyarets.

How to pass the master’s entrance exams

31 / 5 / 24, 16:00 Online
We invite you to an online meeting where we will provide detailed information about the registration process and preparation for the EIT/UMT. We will also offer useful tips for applying to graduate programs and answer your questions.

SET Open House 2024

4 / 7 / 24, 18:00 Безплатно (за умови попередньої реєстрації)
Розкажемо про навчальні програми SET University, які запускаємо в 2024 році.

SET University Innovation Director becomes a mentor for women entrepreneurship program

26 / 12 / 23
Jane Klepa, Director of Partnerships and Innovation at SET University, joined the program for women entrepreneurs "Pochatok" by Diia. Business.

SET University turns 2 years old

28 / 12 / 23
Here's what we've managed to do over the past 24 months.

SET University Open House

4 / 7 / 23, 18:00
An online event where we introduce the SET University strategy and new Masters’ degree programs.

SET Open House 2024

21 / 3 / 24, 18:00 Free, registration is required
We will tell you about the SET University training programs that will be launched in 2024.

SET Open House

7 / 9 / 23 Zoom-conference
An online event where we introduce the SET University strategy and new Masters’ degree programs.

How to pass the master’s entrance exams

7 / 6 / 24, 16:00 Online
We invite you to an online meeting where we will provide detailed information about the registration process and preparation for the EIT/UMT. We will also offer useful tips for applying to graduate programs and answer your questions.

How to pass the master’s entrance exams

14 / 6 / 24, 16:00 Online
We invite you to an online meeting where we will provide detailed information about the registration process and preparation for the EIT/UMT. We will also offer useful tips for applying to graduate programs and answer your questions.

How to Enroll in an IT Master’s Program from Abroad

22 / 7 / 24, 19:00 Online
We invite you to a webinar where we will discuss enrolling in a master's program at SET University for Ukrainians abroad. We will cover the specifics of studying, admission requirements, and opportunities to combine studies with work. We will also answer all your questions.

What is SET University?

14 / 9 / 23, 17:00
Discord (онлайн)
An online event in the SET University Community, where we will talk about the values and work of our university.

How to pass the master’s entrance exams

10 / 5 / 24, 16:00 Online
We invite you to an online meeting where we will provide detailed information about the registration process and preparation for the EIT/UMT. We will also offer useful tips for applying to graduate programs and answer your questions.

Pitching is like glimpsing into your startup’s future.

4 / 4 / 24
An interview with SET University mentor Alexa Sinyachova

How to pass the master’s entrance exams

19 / 6 / 24, 16:00 Онлайн
Запрошуємо вас на онлайн-зустріч, під час якої ми докладно розкажемо про процес реєстрації та підготовки на ЄВІ/ЄФВВ. Також надамо корисні поради щодо вступу на магістратуру та відповімо на ваші запитання.

SET University organised a webinar on cybersecurity with a former CIA officer

27 / 11 / 23
The way from the public sector to business, necessary cyber skills, and practical advice - how a webinar on cybersecurity by a former CIA, Uber, and Tesla employee went down.

Cybersecurity Expert’s Journey Through the Eyes of an Ex-CIA Officer

19 / 10 / 23, 19:00
Free, registration is required
Zoom (online)
In this webinar Nick Gicinto as a former CIA officer and ex-Senior Manager of Global Security at Uber and Tesla, will share valuable insights into the building cybersecurity career.
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