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How to Enroll in an IT Master’s Program from Abroad

22 / 7 / 24, 19:00 Online
We invite you to a webinar where we will discuss enrolling in a master's program at SET University for Ukrainians abroad. We will cover the specifics of studying, admission requirements, and opportunities to combine studies with work. We will also answer all your questions.

From Junior to Senior: How to Build a Successful IT Career

5 / 7 / 24, 17:30 Offline
UNIT.City, Сore venue (str. Dorohozhytska, 3)

SET Open House 2024

4 / 7 / 24, 18:00 Безплатно (за умови попередньої реєстрації)
Розкажемо про навчальні програми SET University, які запускаємо в 2024 році.

How to pass the master’s entrance exams

19 / 6 / 24, 16:00 Онлайн
Запрошуємо вас на онлайн-зустріч, під час якої ми докладно розкажемо про процес реєстрації та підготовки на ЄВІ/ЄФВВ. Також надамо корисні поради щодо вступу на магістратуру та відповімо на ваші запитання.

How to pass the master’s entrance exams

14 / 6 / 24, 16:00 Online
We invite you to an online meeting where we will provide detailed information about the registration process and preparation for the EIT/UMT. We will also offer useful tips for applying to graduate programs and answer your questions.

How to pass the master’s entrance exams

7 / 6 / 24, 16:00 Online
We invite you to an online meeting where we will provide detailed information about the registration process and preparation for the EIT/UMT. We will also offer useful tips for applying to graduate programs and answer your questions.

Featured news

SET Alternative to Morning Podcasts

19 / 7 / 24
Access to Our Event Recordings on YouTube

How to Study Independently: Free Roadmap Template from Our Academic Team

19 / 7 / 24
Bohdan and Nataliya from SET's Academic Team Share a Learning Roadmap Template

SET × LazyIT: Special Project on Cybersecurity Interviews

19 / 7 / 24
What They Ask in Cybersecurity Job Interviews

In the Media

"Ukraine’s university born out of war: ‘education is our future’

Ms Volnytska’s ultimate ambition, she said, was “to build an innovative hub in Ukraine, to make it a center of innovation”. She has confidence in SET’s success. “There are innovations by choice, and there are innovations by necessity – and now we don’t have any choice.” – Times Higher Education
"Starting a new university is no small undertaking. Starting one during a war — that compounds the challenges.
 Yet that’s the story of SET University, a Ukrainian technological institution that was founded just a couple of months before Russian forces attacked the country, in February 2022." – The Chronicle of Higher Education writes
"One of the most important institutions when it comes to the country’s tech education is the recently established SET University.  The war didn’t stop them; it just showed even more why what they are doing is important" – IT Logos writes
"We should fully rely on digitalization." Iryna Volnytska for the article How Ukrainian tech companies are defying the war for the Frankfurter Allgemeine

All news

SET Alternative to Morning Podcasts

19 / 7 / 24
Access to Our Event Recordings on YouTube

How to Study Independently: Free Roadmap Template from Our Academic Team

19 / 7 / 24
Bohdan and Nataliya from SET's Academic Team Share a Learning Roadmap Template

SET × LazyIT: Special Project on Cybersecurity Interviews

19 / 7 / 24
What They Ask in Cybersecurity Job Interviews

New partnership: SET × EIT

19 / 7 / 24
Ми приєдналися до tech-ініціативи від Європейського Інституту Технологій та Інновацій

SET becomes a partner of Erasmus+

26 / 6 / 24
We joined the Erasmus+ initiative EnCycLEd dedicated increasing of cybersecurity awareness

Memorandum of cooperation with the intelligence company Flashpoint

11 / 6 / 24

SET × PMI: Memorandum of Cooperation

11 / 6 / 24

Memorandum of Cooperation with the Polish University UKEN

11 / 6 / 24
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