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SET Alternative to Morning Podcasts

19 / 7 / 24
Access to Our Event Recordings on YouTube

Nick Gicinto on the Engineer to Manager podcast by DOU

5 / 4 / 24
Nick Gicinto, an adjunct professor at SET University, participated in the Engineer to Manager podcast by DOU with Oleks Maistrenko.

СoolTalk success story: «At the bootcamp, we realized the problem we’re tackling is much bigger, so now we’re in the middle of pivoting our solution»

13 / 5 / 24

SET University and Customertimes signed a partnership memorandum

12 / 4 / 24
SET University and Customertimes have signed a partnership memorandum. Under the agreement, Customertimes experts will participate in the university's curricula, develop new educational programs, and run a virtual laboratory.

Eventmate’s success story: “After the WE.Brave bootcamp we’ve built a financial model, got a clear plan for expanding to new markets, and received our first client from abroad”

17 / 4 / 24

PNTPC Cybersecurity Conference: Done

23 / 4 / 24
In the end of February, a conference on cybersecurity issues was held in collaboration with a Polish university. Here's how it went.

Nick Gicinto inda Kyiv: how it was

23 / 4 / 24
Ex-CIA, ex-Uber, ex-Tesla visited Kyiv and held several events about cybersecurity for SET University

Сonsultacia`s success story: «During the WE.Brave bootcamp we managed to sign our first contract with the partner, as we learned how to present and pitch our ideas clearly»

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SoftTrainer`s success story: «We received our first investment offer from one of the project mentors and also realized that it’s time to start selling our product.»

26 / 4 / 24

SET becomes a partner of Erasmus+

26 / 6 / 24
We joined the Erasmus+ initiative EnCycLEd dedicated increasing of cybersecurity awareness

Safebot success story: «We’ve devised a fundraising strategy, begun negotiations with donors, and are now revisiting product pricing as clients seem willing to pay more»

3 / 5 / 24

Memorandum of Cooperation with the Polish University UKEN

11 / 6 / 24

SET × PMI: Memorandum of Cooperation

11 / 6 / 24

Memorandum of cooperation with the intelligence company Flashpoint

11 / 6 / 24

Meeting with our tech stakeholders: How it went / Stakeholder Meeting: SET + tech companies

9 / 5 / 24

New partnership: SET × EIT

19 / 7 / 24
Ми приєдналися до tech-ініціативи від Європейського Інституту Технологій та Інновацій

SET × LazyIT: Special Project on Cybersecurity Interviews

19 / 7 / 24
What They Ask in Cybersecurity Job Interviews

How to Study Independently: Free Roadmap Template from Our Academic Team

19 / 7 / 24
Bohdan and Nataliya from SET's Academic Team Share a Learning Roadmap Template
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