Published the third episode of the SET University Community podcast

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In this cybersecutiry show the experts from EVO answer questions about the switch into cybersecurity.

What are the easiest professions to move from to cybersecurity? How not to lose money in salary? Does a diploma matter?

These are the questions that made Google break down. So we invited Svyatoslav Login, Head of QA at EVO, and Nazariy Zavada, Penetration Test Engineer at EVO, to answer all these questions.

"I used to start out as a waiter. Then I moved to SEO and content management. Later, I saw that there were a future in IT and joined the testing team. After working as a tester, I decided to move on. The cybersecurity niche was not very busy at the time, so I got into it."
explains Sviatoslav Login, Head of QA at EVO

The next episode of “Google Won’t Tell” will focus on integrating cybersecurity into companies’ operations. All episodes are available on such platforms as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

We also remind you that all useful links from the podcast experts are collected on a separate Notion page.


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